Karen Society of Buffalo

Karen Society of Buffalo (KSB) is a community-based organization seeking to enhance the quality of life and to cultivate the self-sufficiency of immigrants from Burma, while preserving and sharing our cultural heritage.

Buffalo Soccer Society 

We are the "Buffalo Soccer Society", we are trying to raise money to start up a community soccer program that will allow everyone to join and play regardless of their skills. We would like to raise money to fund the program so that players do not have to worry about equipment as these things will be funded through your donations. The donations will also allow everyone in the community an equal opportunity to play and learn soccer. With your help, we can help provide rides to and from practice, buy/rent equipment and lessen the burden of those who cannot financially afford to play. We will also have coaches to teach those who are just starting to play soccer and to those who want extra training. 


If you would like to support us please click on the button below to go to our GOFUNDME page where you will be able to donate. Thank You!